Tuesday 2 June 2015

Not very good news

So I have had some pain in my knees for about 1 month and today I got the results of an x ray I had done. It came back that i have severe osteoarthritis and will need a knee replacement. My knee is also dislocating as i walk which is no good. I am only 29 so this came as a big shock.

This is just another blow to our family with all my daughters medical problems the last thing we needed was there to be something being wrong with me. As I am her main carer.

On a positive note Savannah is doing really well with her horse riding and rode on her own this weekend without being lead. She has her first gymkhana on 7/6/2015. She is so excited.

Thursday 28 May 2015

First Post..........Yay

So this is my first post on this blog. I will start by introducing myself and my family.

I am married to my wonderful husband Stuart. We have a beautiful 4 year old daughter called Savannah. Our daughter has had Chronic Qfever Osteomylitis for the last 2 years. This causes her a lot of pain and she is in a wheelchair majority of the time. She has regular admissions to hospital and will continue to for a while in the future.

I am starting this blog as an outlet to talk about what is going on in our stressful lives and show other people that have kids with medical conditions they aren't alone. I will also being showing some of the regular sewing and crafts we do.

Well i will wrap it up there and talk later. Don't hesitate to ask any questions.

I also have a facebook page for my daughters medical journey. It is
